An Amazing Invitation

A Must Read Book
Dare to Live Greatly:
The Courage to Live a Powerful Christian Life|
Author Larry C. Fowler

Dare to Live Greatly: The Courage to Live a Powerful Christian Life by L.C. Fowler is a fantastic and uplifting memoir and guidebook chronicling a tadpole’s beginnings into a fearless Special Warfare CommunityFowler encourages readers to live a powerful Christian life through his lessons learned as a Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) training in 1977 in Coronado, California. 

This book is more than a telling of life in the BUD/S training; his book gives others the motivation and insight they need to push forward to thrive beyond life’s fears and comfort zones. 

Developing fearless perseverance is only the first lesson in this book, as the author speaks on zeal, faith, facing the impossible to becoming a tenacious, wise warrior with absolute resolve for running the race well and finishing. Readers will not be able to put this book down! Every page is power packed with the how-to become great and thrive!

Fowler gives an invitation – an amazing invitation – to live a life courageously expecting more, doing more, and obtaining more that you every thought possible.  This book is one for those that want to do something great yet need the push and inspiration to do so. Readers will discover that a heartfelt attitude of overcome means just that…to overcome until you win…whatever the cost and that giving up is not an option, nor is just surviving – TO THRIVE is the goal. His book is a solutions-based to some of life’s greatest obstacles.

Coupled with great quotes from noteworthy evangelists like Billy Graham and memorable sayings that give deep insight from those who have gone before us, he poses a unique question within this, What are you starving for? We should all be starving for something worthwhile. ~ is his answer.

Each chapter offers a step inside peek at the Navy Seals training program; programmed to break you, and if that’s not enough, his story on what it took for him to graduate and win. He gives life-lessons that are invaluable, as he has learned from experience along the way each give a snapshot of the jaw-dropping and gruelling training in the Navy Seal training. Only the best win. Chapter twenty-six is one of my favorite chapters: When You’re Down to Nothing, God is up to Something! 

The author blends the truth of circumstances can appear to be, yet points readers to a greater cause, giving immense hope for the breakthrough that only God can bring in these intense life situations.  A highly recommended must read ~ CBM

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You may get your copy of Dare to Live Greatly at Amazon
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