The Importance of Returning Our Children Back to the Father

Father Into Thy Hands I Commend My Seed - As an Apostle with a mandate from God to this generation, Apostle Akhem Wilson, declares sound principles of the Kingdom of God that announce and ignite the Kingdom of God on Earth. His words come from one who clearly hears from the Lord, as he describes angelic encounters, supernatural results of faith, mentioning the importance and benefits of returning the Father’s children back to Him.

This movement is an end-time movement of the spirit of Elijah moving to return the father's back to the children and the children back to the Lord. This is the Lord's mandate to the author in which he shares the revelation from God to you, the reader. Now is the time, to dedicate, prophesy, and declare the favor of the Lord over your children, so that they may walk in the supernatural power of God and destiny set forth by God. 

Reading this book will help one understand deep principles in the Kingdom of God, that when activated by faith and the declaration of a prophetic voice (and one who hears from God as a messenger) - change, blessings, and great favor become a reality. This is an important and pertinent message today for all those who are dedicated to God and His end-time purposes on Earth. Apostle Akhem Wilson will lift and ignite your faith to declare and believe what God has for you and your children.