Available For Pre Order In Paperback and in Kindle

Available July 12, 2021 
The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: 
An Understanding That Will Change Your Life

Christian Author Maurie Daigneau presents a book that relays his own experience with the living God and the embarking on a journey to seek and obtain understanding and wisdom from God Himself in the Bible.

After becoming a burned-out and disillusioned Christian, Maurie Daigneau neared spiritual exhaustion. His journey led him to rediscover the Gospel and he shares this rediscovered Gospel with readers. It is the author’s deepest hope that readers’ lives will be forever transformed by his book, The Gospel You’ve Never Heard; and that the eyes of hearts will be opened to a new understanding of life in Christ, renewed by the spirit of holiness and devotion, that will change readers’ lives that ushers in joy and purpose in serving the Lord.   

This book was written, “Just for you.” The reason this is said is because many have become disillusioned with Christianity and the world in general. Being a Christian yields great debate due to the disagreement within the body of believers as to doctrine and truth. Many have turned away. Falling from grace into sin seems to be the norm. And many Christian believers simply are not obeying Christ’s commands, but living just as the world does. America is experiencing rampant division, strife, violence, destruction, and hatred that is penetrating the core of this godly nation. It’s time for change. But what is the answer?

In his new release, The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: An Understanding That Will Change Your Life, Maurie Daigneau offers a book with solutions for America.  Rich with insight from an astute Biblical perspective and much real-life experience, Daigneau aids readers in Rediscovering the Gospel – perhaps one that you have never heard before.

Revealing foundational scriptural truths will ultimately catapult and cultivate understanding for following God in all His ways. This is a life worth living, serving the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Knowing Him, following Him and applying His Word in our daily lives brings understanding to the Gospel in all of its practicality of the day-to-day living that will powerfully transform your world. 

You may get your copy of The Gospel You’ve Never Heard: An Understanding That Will Change Your Life at Amazon and Kindle.